Top menu
- Traditional Sports
- Europe
- Aastase leivakoti tostmine (Estonia)
- Ahel Karr (Brittany, France)
- Aizkolaritza(Basque Country)
- Aluche cántabro (Spain)
- Ankoumara (Georgia)
- Armtag (Sweden)
- Arrastre de Ganado (Canary Islands, Spain)
- Asparezoba (Georgia)
- Atli Cirit (Turkey)
- Aunt Sally (England)
- Aviron traditionnel (France)
- Backhold (Scotland)
- Balle au tambourin (France)
- Balle Pelote (Belgium, Wallonia)
- Banatske šore (Serbia)
- Bandy (Russia, United Kingdom, Estonia)
- Baranta (Hungary)
- Basse (Norway)
- Bat and Trap (United Kingdom)
- Bataireacht (Ireland)
- Bazh yod (Brittany, France)
- Belgtag (Sweden)
- Beltescast (Sweden)
- Beugelen (Netherlands)
- Biady (Poland)
- Billets (United Kingdom)
- Birllas (Spain, Aragon)
- Birlos (Spain)
- Biscast (Sweden)
- Bittles (Spain)
- Blubberrace (Netherlands)
- Bocce (Italy)
- Bola Canaria (Canary Islands)
- Bolo Vaqueiro (Spain)
- Bolos, Bolos Cántabros (Spain, Cantabria)
- Bondetag (Sweden)
- Bosseln (Denmark)
- Boukatag (Sweden)
- Boule (France)
- Boule Bretonne plombée (Brittany, France)
- Boule de fort (France)
- Bourle du nord (France)
- Brännboll (Scandinavian countries)
- Broomball (Russia)
- Buksschieten (Netherlands, Flanders)
- Caber Toss (Scotland)
- Calcio storico fiorentino (Italy)
- Caliche murciano (Spain)
- Calva (Spain)
- Camel wrestling (Turkey)
- Cammag (Isle of Man)
- Camogie (Ireland)
- Canne de combat (France)
- Carrera de belorta (Spain, Cantabria)
- Carrera de ollas (Spain, Cantabria)
- Catch-Hold (England)
- Cesta Punta or Jai Alai (Basque Country, Spain)
- Cheese Rolling (England)
- Chito, inna nazwa Tanga (Spain)
- Choule crosse (Normandy, France)
- Chueca (Spain, Castile, Chile)
- Closh (Belgium, Flanders)
- Cnapan (Wales)
- Conker (England)
- Cornish Wrestling (England)
- Corrida (Spain)
- Corte de troncos (Spain, Cantabria)
- Courte Paume (France)
- Cragtag (Sweden)
- Croquet (England)
- Crossage (Belgium)
- Cruol (Moldova)
- Csürközés (Hungary)
- Cucañas (Spain)
- Cumberland & Westmorland Wrestling (England)
- Curling (Scotland, many countries in the world)
- Czech handball (Czech Republic)
- Czoromaj (Poland)
- Danish longball (Denmark)
- Dodgeball (England)
- Ducza (Poland)
- Dunne Krulbol (Belgium, Flanders)
- Eiskegeln (Germany)
- Eisstockschiessen (Germany)
- Ekstrameta (Poland)
- English Skittles (England)
- Epworth Hood (England)
- Famnkast (Sweden)
- Fångtag (Sweden)
- Fell Running (England)
- Fierljeppen or Polsstokverspringen (Netherlands)
- Finglerhakler or Fingerhakeln (Germany)
- Finnish dart (Finland)
- Fiolet (Alps, Italy)
- Fischerstechen (Bavaria, Germany)
- Fives (United kingdom)
- Flat Green Lawn Bowls (England)
- Fosetta (Italy)
- Freischiessen (Germany)
- Fribrydning (Denmark)
- Fries kaatsen (Netherlands)
- Fulde (Denmark)
- Futòméta (Hungary)
- Gaaibol (Belgium, Flanders)
- Gaelic Football or Peil or Caid in Gaelic (Ireland)
- Gaelic Handball (Ireland)
- Gakvra-Bukrti (Georgia)
- Galhofa (Portugal)
- Galoche (Brittany, France)
- Gieu dle bije (Piemont, Italy)
- Gioco da pugna (Italy)
- Gioco del Ponte (Italy)
- Glima (Scandinavian countries, Iceland, Sweden)
- Gorodki (Russia, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Germany)
- Gosse Pulling (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany)
- Gostra (Malta)
- Gouren (Brittany, France)
- Grande Choule (Normandy, France)
- Grele (Poland)
- Gribert (Denmark)
- Gropboll (Sweden)
- Gross (Denmark)
- Grundbirkózás (Hungary)
- Gurapesh me dy duar anash (Kosovo)
- Gurapesh prapa (Kosovo)
- Guxhas or Crouch (Kosovo)
- Halvraadden (Denmark)
- Harri-jasotze or Harri jasotzea (Basque Country, Spain)
- Hawkey (England)
- Haxey Hood (England)
- Hazena (Czech Republic)
- Herri Kirolak (Basque Country)
- Het Kolven (Netherlands)
- Himmelbold (Denmark)
- Historischer Schützen or Historische schutters gilden (Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Flanders, Austria)
- Hitball (Italy)
- Hitch and Kick (England)
- Hjørnekegler (Denmark)
- Holani (Turkey)
- Hopak (Ukraine)
- Hornussen or Hornuss (Switzerland)
- Horseshoes Pitchers (Ireland)
- Hosenlupf (Switzerland)
- Høvævel (Denmark)
- Hryggspenna (Iceland)
- Hurley (Scotland)
- Hurling (Ireland)
- Idi Dema (Basque Country)
- Ijszeilen (Netherlands)
- Illskufang (Iceland)
- Ingude Altxatzea (Basque Country)
- Isindi (Georgia)
- Javelot Tir sur cible (France)
- Jep (Denmark)
- Jereed (Turkey)
- Jeu de boule Parisien (France)
- Jeu de crosse (Croatia)
- Jeu de la Paume (France)
- Jeu de quilles or lo jòc de quilhas (France)
- Jeu du Papegeay (France)
- Jeu Provençal (France)
- Jeux de Picardie (France)
- Jildaoba (Georgia)
- Joc del bòlit (Spain)
- Jogo da Banca ou Pela (Portugal)
- Jogo da laranjinha (Portugal)
- Jogo do Arco (Portugal)
- Jogo do Pau (Portugal)
- Jogo do Pau e Bola (Portugal)
- Joutes Girondines (France)
- Joutes Languedociennes (France)
- Joutes Lyonnaises (France)
- Joutes nautiques en Rhône-Alpes (France)
- Juego de Bolos (Spain)
- Juego de la Pica (Aragon, Spain)
- Juego del chito (Spain)
- Juego del Palo (Canary Island)
- Juegos Indirectos (Spain)
- Kaatsen (Belgium, Flanders)
- Kabakhi (Georgia)
- Kafkasor (Turkey)
- Kaisa (Finland)
- Kaludderschiessen (Germany)
- Kamena s ramena (Serbia)
- Kapela (Poland)
- Kapja e shamise (Kosovo)
- Kapløb (Denmark)
- Kapuça or Hats (Kosovo)
- Karakucak Güreşi (Turkey)
- Kärntenringen (Carinthia, Austria)
- Kartuli Chidaoba (Georgia)
- Käsikapulan (Finland)
- Kaste med kølle (Denmark)
- Katapultschieten (Belgium, Flanders)
- Keatsen (Netherlands, Frisia)
- Kegel (Australia, Germany)
- Kegelen (Belgium, Flanders)
- Keglebillard (Denmark)
- Kenchaoba (Georgia)
- Khridoli (Georgia)
- Kibel and nerspel (England)
- Kiczka (Poland)
- Kiiking (Estonia)
- Kilhoù Kozh (France, Brittany)
- Kirkpinar (Turkey)
- Klepschieten (Belgium, Flanders)
- Klipa (Poland)
- Klootschieten (Germany)
- Knattleikr (Iceland)
- Knurr and Spell (England)
- Kolven or Kolf (Netherlands)
- Kongebold (Denmark)
- Kongepind (Denmark)
- Korakle (United Kingdom)
- Korfball (Netherlands)
- Korrikolaris (Basque Country)
- Kozana (Serbia)
- Krachtbal (Belgium, Flanders)
- Kragtag or Krawataj (Sweden)
- Krokiet (England, France)
- Krolf (Denmark)
- Kruisboogschieten (Netherlands)
- Krulbol (Netherlands; Belgium, Flanders)
- Krydsbold (Denmark)
- Krykiet (England)
- Kubb (Gotland, Sweden; Normandy, France; USA)
- Kulanie Kulotka (Poland)
- Kumoterka race (Poland)
- Kumoterska Gońba (Poland)
- Kureş (Romania)
- Kurvbold (Denmark)
- Kusak Güreşi (Turkey)
- Kuszija (Bulgaria)
- Kut e Kleçkë (Kosovo)
- Kyykkä or Kyykkäliitto (Finland)
- La course camarguaise (France)
- La course Landaise (France)
- La Crosse (France)
- La soule à la crosse (France)
- Lakhtaoba (Georgia)
- Lancashire Wrestling (England)
- Lancio del maiorchino (Italy)
- Langbold (Denmark)
- Lanzamiento de barra (Spain)
- Lanzamiento de barra aragonesa (Spain)
- Lanzamiento de barra castellana (Spain)
- Lanzamiento de Barra Vasca or Lanzamiento de Palanka Vasca (Spain)
- Lapta (Russia)
- Lasto Fardo Jasotzea (Basque Country)
- Laxoa (Spain)
- Leaping Pole (England)
- Leikwang (Iceland)
- Lelo Burti (Georgia)
- Letoussi (Bulgaria)
- Leuo (Georgia)
- Levantamiento de Arado (Canary Islands))
- Liggende wip (Belgium, Flanders)
- Lippa (Italy)
- Livtag (Sweden)
- Lluita del bac (Catalonia, Spain)
- Lobber (England)
- Lochball (Germany)
- Loita Galega (Spain)
- Lokotx biltzea(Basque Country)
- Lokotx edo sokor apostua (Basque Country)
- London Skittles (England)
- Longue Paume (France)
- Loose Hold (United Kingdom)
- Lopta (Serbia)
- Lotanie z Klekotami (Poland, village Bukówiec Górny, Wielkopolska)
- Lou Joc de la Crino or Crino (Italy, village San Martino di Perrero, Piedmont)
- Lucha Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain)
- Lucha de Bandera (Spain)
- Lucha del garrote (Canary Islands)
- Lucha Leónesa (Spain, region León)
- Lutte Provençales (France)
- Lyftesten (Sweden)
- Mano Trinquete (Spain)
- Marula (Georgia)
- Matkot (Israel)
- Meta (Poland)
- Mokniewa (Georgia)
- Mölkky (Finland)
- Morentreiben (Germany)
- Mundje vençe (Albania)
- Munk (Denmark)
- Muštukas (Lithuania)
- Muurkaatsen (Belgium, Netherlands)
- Nabast (Bulgaria)
- Naid Berc or Naid Perc or Naid Perca or Neidio Perci (United Kingdom, Glamorgan County)
- Nipsy (United Kingdom)
- Nohejbal (Slovakia)
- Northern Spell (England)
- Novuss (Latvia, Germany)
- Oină (Romania)
- Orga Jokoa(Basque Country)
- Os birlos (Galega, Spain)
- Paapgooien (Belgium, Flanders)
- Pala (Spain)
- Palant (Poland)
- Palet (France)
- Palet du Coutancais (Normandy, France)
- Palet Gascon (France)
- Palet laiton sur plomb (France)
- Palet sur planche (France)
- Palet sur terre (France)
- Paleta Cuero Fronton (Spain)
- Paleta Cuero Triquete (Spain)
- Paleta Goma (Spain)
- Palio (Italy)
- Palio della Balestra (Italy)
- Pall-Mall (England)
- Palla a Caccia (Italy)
- Palla a Sfratto (Italy)
- Palla Maglio (Italy)
- Palla, Palla Tamburello (Italy)
- Pallaporta (Italy)
- Pallapugno (Italy)
- Palle Maille (France)
- Pallino (Italy)
- Palo Canario (Canary Islands)
- Pandolo (Slovenia)
- Pangration (Greece)
- Pankration (Greece)
- Pantalera (Italy)
- Paradosiaki pali (Greece)
- Pärk or Paerk (Gotland, Sweden)
- Pasabolo tablón (Spain, Cantabria)
- Pehlivanlar (Bulgaria)
- Pelivansko borenje (North Macedonia)
- Pelota aragonesa (Spain)
- Pelota Valenciana (Spain)
- Pelota Vasca (Basque Country, Spain)
- Pelote Basque (Spain)
- Pesäpallo (Finland)
- Pétanque (France)
- Picigin (Croatia)
- Picken (Germany)
- Picota (Spain)
- Piekar (Belarus)
- Pierścieniówka (Poland)
- Pilota Valencian (Spain)
- Pilou (Nicea, France)
- Pilouette (France)
- Platzbahnkegeln (Germany)
- Platzgen (Switzerland)
- Pljočke (Croatia)
- Pontoniersport (Switzerland)
- Popinjay shooting (Slovenia)
- Pulso de pica (Spain)
- Quilees du Contentin (Normandy, France)
- Quilles au Maillet (France)
- Quilles de huit (France)
- Quilles de neuf (France)
- Quilles de six (France)
- Quilles neuchâtelois (Switzerland)
- Quoits (England, Wales, Scotland, USA)
- Rackets (England)
- Ranggeln (Austria)
- Rebatta (Italy)
- Rebote (Basque Country)
- Recortador (Spain,Catalonia, Canary Islands)
- Recortador (Spain)
- Rigcats (Sweden)
- Ring Riding (Denmark)
- Ringen (Germany)
- Ringo (Poland)
- Ringrijden (Netherlands)
- Ringtennis (Germany)
- Rintapaîni (Finland)
- Ristynės (Lithuania)
- Ritinis, Ritinio (Lithuania)
- Ritpaïni (Finland)
- Road Bowling (Irlandia)
- Rochwist (Polska)
- Rouleurs de tonneaux (France)
- Rounders (England, Ireland)
- Rrasash (Kosovo)
- Rrëzim i duarve (Kosovo)
- Rrëzim i këmbëve (Kosovo)
- Running of the bulls (Spain)
- Ruzzola (Italy)
- Ruzzolone (Italy)
- Rvanje (Serbia)
- S'istrumpa (Sardinia)
- Salto del pastor (Gran Canaria)
- Salto Pasiego (Spain, Cantabria)
- Sambo (Russia)
- Savate (France)
- Schoonrijden (Netherlands)
- Schwingen (Switzerland)
- Scottish hammer throwing (Scotland)
- Shalvar wrestling (Türkiye)
- Shin-Kicking (United Kingdom)
- Shinty (Scotland, Ireland)
- Shpatash (Kosovo)
- Shuffleboard (Germany)
- Shuttlecock (Hungary)
- Sjoelen (Netherlands)
- Skijøring (Scandinavian countries)
- Skûtsjesilen (Netherlands)
- Sokatira (Basque Country)
- Staande wipschieten (Netherlands, Belgium, Flanders)
- Steinstossen (Switzerland)
- Stompwijkse kortebaandraverij (Netherlands)
- Stoolball (England)
- Szektorlabda (Hungary)
- Sztekiel (Poland)
- Table skittles (England)
- Tambornet or Tambourin (France)
- Tamburello (Italy)
- Tanguilla (Spain)
- Tarczia (Georgia)
- Tchoukball (Spain, Switzerland)
- Tèque (Normandy, France)
- Tërheqja e litarit (Kosovo)
- Tikkaurheiluliitto (Finland)
- Tip Cat (England)
- Tir de fona (Spain)
- Tiro de Barra (Spain)
- Tiro de palo o al garrote (Spain, Cantabria)
- Tiro de Reja (Spain)
- Top-n-kali (Kosovo)
- Trabol (Belgium, Flanders)
- Trainera (Spain, Bay of Biscay)
- Trampoli (Italy)
- Tranta (Moldova, Romania)
- Trinta (Trinte) dreapta (Moldova)
- Tronzta (Basque Country)
- Truie (France)
- Tskhenburti (Georgia)
- Tug of War (all the world)
- Txinga (Basque Country)
- Tzan (Italy)
- Tzurca (Romania)
- Unspunnen (Switzerland)
- Vallay (Russia)
- Varpa (Scandinavian countries, Sweden)
- Vela Latina Canaria (Gran Canaria)
- Viopaîni (Finland)
- Vranići (Serbia)
- Vrapim me thes (Kosovo)
- Xare (Basque country)
- Yağlı Güreş (Turkey)
- Zaku Lasterketa (Basque Country)
- Zipota (Basque Country)
- Asia
- Adimurai (India)
- Aikido (Japan)
- Almokabasah (Oman)
- Alysh (Kyrgyzstan)
- Angampora (Sri Lanka)
- Angkun (Cambodia)
- Ankeliya (Sri Lanka)
- Archery (Tibet)
- Arias da mene (Philippines)
- Arnis (Philippines)
- Ashirma (Azerbaijan, Iran)
- Asol Aap (India)
- Asol-Tale Aap (India)
- Audaryspak (Kazakhstan)
- Azura (India)
- Ba Choukhe (Iran)
- Bagh-bhaluk juj or tiger-bear fight (Assam, India)
- Baha (India)
- Ball Badminton (India)
- Bando (Myanmar)
- Banshay (Myanmar)
- Barilda (Mongolia)
- Bashi (Maldives)
- Bayga (Kazakhstan)
- Beeni Panjo (India)
- Behempas (Indonesia)
- Beikou Tarkbei (Mongolia, China)
- Belga (Kazakhstan)
- Berslate (Malaysia)
- Bhimcencce (India, Turkmenistan)
- Bhota guti (Assam, India)
- Bo-taoshi (Japan)
- Boitha bol (Assam, India)
- Bōjutsu (Japan)
- Bokator (Cambodia)
- Boke also Bokh (Mongolia)
- Bökh (Boke) (Mongolia)
- Boli Khela (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh)
- Bukh or Khapsagay or Khuresh (Mongolia)
- Bulbuli soraai juj (Assam, India)
- Bull butting (Oman)
- Bultong (Philippines)
- Buno (Philippines)
- Busha (Japan)
- Buzkashi (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and northern Afghanistan)
- Caci (Indonesia)
- Camel jumping (Yemen)
- Camel racing (Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates)
- Chaliyottam (India)
- Cheibi Gad-Ga (India)
- Chilingaghaj (Azerbaijan)
- Chinlone or Caneball (Myanmar)
- Chogān (Iran)
- Chovquan, Chovqan (Azerbaijan)
- Chundan Vallam (India)
- Climbing a greased pol (Sri Lanka)
- Course keshi (Bhutan)
- Cuju (China)
- Da-ga (China)
- Daito-ryu (Japan)
- Dakyu (Japan)
- Dandi Biyo (Nepal)
- Dangal (Varanasi, India)
- Dangqiuqian (Korea, Chiny)
- Deng-gun or La-gun (China)
- Dhemona ona khel (Assam, India)
- Dhonu-Kanr Khel (Assam, India)
- Dhoop khel, Dhopkhel (Assam, India)
- Dhow racing (Oman)
- Digor or Degor (Bhutan)
- Ding-He-Zi (China)
- Djarazandj (India)
- Dor (Assam, India)
- Duloni (Assam, India)
- Dumog (Philippines)
- Dun-ggully (India)
- Duzhupiao (China)
- Đẩy gậy (Vietnam)
- Eduo (Tibet)
- Er Enish (Kyrgyzstan)
- Erhim Buhudbur (Mongolia)
- Eskrima (Philippines)
- Fahombo (Indonesia)
- Falconry (Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates)
- Fan-E-Sipah Gari (India)
- Fulfuloti (Assam, India)
- Furti or gola (Assam, India)
- Gabbo (Philippines)
- Gada (India)
- Gandh haau (Assam, India)
- Ganggangsullae (Korea)
- Gaojiao Jingsu (China)
- Gateball (Japan)
- Gatka (Punjab, India)
- Gella-Chutt (India)
- Ghe Ngo (Vietnam)
- Ghila khel (Assam, India)
- Ghora dor (Assam, India)
- Ghorial juj (Assam, India)
- Gigong (China, Hangzhou)
- Gilaki (Iran)
- Gile Mardi (Iran)
- Gilli Danda or Guli Dunda (India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan)
- Gocz (Armenia)
- Goli (Kerala, India)
- Goresh or Goresz (Turkmenistan)
- Gos kopaati or Gos kobadi (Assam, India)
- Goszt (Tajikistan)
- Goutzanguiri (Tajikistan)
- Guilan (Iran)
- Guj-Bozi (Tajikistan)
- Gulat (Indonesia)
- Gulesz (Kyrgyzstan)
- Gulli Dunda (Pakistan, India)
- Gung-Do (Korea)
- Guniangzhui (Kazakhstan)
- Guoguipo (China)
- Gushtigiri (Tajikistan)
- Gyeokgu (China)
- Gyulesh (Azerbaijan)
- Haatbol (Assam, India)
- Haatha botha or Donda bota (Assam, India)
- Haati juj (Assam, India)
- Haatur or Siloni or Thio haatur (Assam, India)
- Haau khel – lora, dhora, bunda haau (Assam, India)
- Hafla (Assam, India)
- Hafula (Assam, India)
- Hanetsuki (Japan)
- Hanoumantée (India)
- Hapkido (Korea)
- Hasiyai (Assam, India)
- Hatching Egg Game (China)
- Hekansalu'a (Wangi Wangi, Wakatobi, Sulawesi, Indonesia)
- Hen mela (Assam, India)
- Hetali (Assam, India)
- Hide n seek (India)
- Hinam Turnam (Arunachal Pradesch, India)
- Hiyang Tannaba (Manipur, India)
- Hoi kobadi (Assam, India)
- Hokksa (Syria)
- Hole Taso Dukanaram (Arunachal Pradesch, India)
- Hoop Takraw (Thailand)
- Horse racing (Oman, Qatar)
- Hosoni-bisoni (Assam, India)
- Hsing-i (China)
- Huyen langlon (India)
- Hwarang-do (Korea)
- Iaido (Japan)
- Ibahajime (Japan)
- Iliati (Iran)
- Inbuan (Mizoram, India)
- Inji Uchi (Japan)
- Insuknawr (Mizoram, India)
- Inuomono (Japan)
- Irikoti mirikoti (Assam, India)
- Istlish taban (Saudi Arabia)
- Jallikattu (India)
- Jamb (Uzbekistan)
- Jambola (Sri Lanka)
- Jianzi (China)
- Jigdum (Bhutan)
- Jiqiu (China)
- Jokgu (Korea)
- Jorabin (Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria)
- Ju Jitsu (Japan)
- Judo (Japan)
- Jultagi (Korea)
- Jumihajime (Japan)
- Jyaraj (Japan)
- Kaar khel (Assam, India)
- Kabaddi (Telengana, India; Bangladesh)
- Kadagake (Japan)
- Kae Htoe Boe (Myanmar)
- Kaeng Ruer (Thailand)
- Kage (China)
- Kaipor (India)
- Kalaripayattu or Kalari (Kerala, India)
- Kali (Philippines)
- Kalik (Timor-Leste)
- Kambala (India)
- Kang Sanaba (Manipuri, India)
- Kanimuni or blind game (Assam, India)
- Karam (India)
- Karapan Cattle (Indonesia)
- Karapan Sapi (Indonesia)
- Karate (Japan)
- Karera ng Baong Sangko (Philippines)
- Kasuguti – Suloguti, Bais guti or Baagh bool, Pachis guti, dooi guti (Assam, India)
- Kataw (Laos)
- Kemari or Mari Koju (Japan)
- Kempo (Japan)
- Kendo (Japan)
- Kenjutsu (Japan)
- Kestik (Afghanistan)
- Khela (India)
- Khiva (Turkmenistan)
- Kho Kho (India)
- Khomlainai (Assam, India)
- Khong Kangjei (Manipuri, India)
- Khuli khel (Assam, India)
- Khurdaan mor’ (Mongolia)
- Khuru or Kuru (Bhutan)
- Kio-li (China)
- Kirip (India)
- Kochti persa (Iran)
- Kodhora tona (Assam, India)
- Kokh (Armenia)
- Kokpar (Kazakhstan)
- Koni-juj or egg tapping (Assam, India)
- Kordi (Iran)
- Kori khel (Assam, India)
- Koshti Choukhen (Iran, Churasan, Khorasan)
- Kouchti (Pakistan)
- Koureche (Kurdistan)
- Krabi-Krabong (Thailand)
- Kukur puwali (Assam, India)
- Kukur thengia (Assam, India)
- Kukura juj or cock fight (Assam, India)
- Kumdo (Korea)
- Kumis alu (Kazakhstan)
- Kurash (Uzbekistan)
- Kusajisi (Japan)
- Kushti (India, Pakistan)
- Kuttiyumkolum (Kerala, India)
- Kyin (Myanmar)
- Kys Kaczar (Kyrgyzstan)
- Kyudo (Japan)
- Kyun (Myanmar)
- Kyz Kuu (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan)
- Laali (Assam, India)
- Lagdi laabh (India)
- Lagori (India)
- Lahti (India)
- Lakhtakhagh (Armenia)
- Lamjei ¬(Manipur, India)
- Lathi khel or stick fight (Assam, India)
- Leskes (Assam, India)
- Leteku (Assam, India)
- Lethwei (Burma)
- Log Racing (Japan)
- LóngZhōu JìngDù or Dragon Boat Racing (China)
- Luka-bhaku or hide and seek (Assam, India)
- Maal juj (Assam, India)
- Makepung (Indonesia, Bali)
- Makha or mokha (Pakistan)
- Malean Sampi (Indonesia, Lombok)
- Mallakhamb(a) or Malkhamb or Malkhumb (India)
- Mallya (India)
- Mallyuddha or Malla-yuddha (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka)
- Mardani khel (India)
- Mari Uchi (Japan)
- Marumono (Japan)
- Masangjae (Korea)
- Mazanderani (Iran)
- Megeret Pandan (Indonesia, Bali, village Tenganan)
- Mepantingan (Bali, Indonesia)
- Mizo Inchai (India)
- Mogu (Korea)
- Moh juj (Assam, India)
- Momote (Japan)
- Mongal potha (Assam, India)
- Mongolian Wrestling (Mongolia)
- Mossara taban (Saudi Arabia)
- Moulapta (Saudi Arabia)
- Muay Lao (Laos)
- Muay Thai (Thailand)
- Mud Fotball (Kerala, India)
- Mukna (Manipur, Imphal, India)
- Mushe or Chinese Fifteen-pin Bowling (China)
- Musti Yuddha (India)
- Muthi bhota (Assam, India)
- Naban (Myanmar)
- Naginatajutsu (Japan)
- Nara (India)
- Naukhel – soranau small boat, pansoinau medium boat, Bornau big boat (Assam, India)
- Neolttwigi or Nol ttwigi (Korea)
- Nikhii Kharvakh (Mongolia)
- Ninjutsu (Japan)
- Nizabazi or Niza Bazi or Tent Pegging (Afghanistan)
- Noriyumi (Japan)
- Okinawan Kobudō or Ryūkyū Kobujutsu (Okinawa, Japan)
- Oodarich (Kyrgyzstan)
- Ordo (Kyrgyzstan)
- Ou-chou (China)
- Oyakazu (Japan)
- Pa Qua (China)
- Pacu Jawi (Indonesia)
- Pallan kuzhi (Kerala, India)
- Palo Sebo (Philippines)
- Pao Xiuqiu (China)
- Parang Ketupat or Ketupat War (Lombok, Indonesia)
- Paresean (Lombok, Indonesia)
- Pasola (Sumba, Indonesia)
- Pata (India)
- Patintero (Philippines)
- Peh(a)lwani (India)
- Pehlwani (India)
- Pencak Silat (Brunei Darssalam, Indonesia)
- Pithoo (India)
- Pokha khel or dice (Assam, India)
- Porok-Pamin Sinam (Arunachal Pradesch, India)
- Pradal Serey or Kun Khmer (Cambodia)
- Psarani pata (India)
- Puja (India)
- Pundo or Pungdo (Bhutan)
- Qianball (China)
- Qiǎng HuāPào (China)
- Qianghuapao (China)
- Rakhhine (Myanmar)
- Rollball (India)
- Rosi tona or rope pulling (Assam, India)
- Sagol Kangjei (Manipur, India)
- Saïs (Kazakhstan)
- Sak ghora bahor theng (Assam, India)
- Sepak Bola Api (Indonesia)
- Sepak Takraw (Indonesia, Thailand)
- Shenu (China)
- Shuai Jiao (China)
- Sikaran (Philippines)
- Silambam (Tamilnadu, India)
- Siloni- siloni (Assam, India)
- Siluotuo (China)
- Sipa (Philippines)
- Sobista bokul guti or sobista tetelir gutir khel (Assam, India)
- Sokolnictwo (Qatar)
- Soksom or Soksum (Bhutan)
- Sondali (Assam, India)
- Soworiguj (Tajikistan)
- Sqay (Pakistan)
- Ssireum or Ssirum (Korea)
- Stapu (India)
- Stilt Racing (China)
- Strongman dumbbell (Dangal, India)
- Sul (Assam, India)
- Sumo (Japan)
- Suwa-sui or touching game (Assam, India)
- Taekkyeon (Korea)
- Taekwondo (Korea)
- Tak Kadal (Indonesia)
- Tang Soo Do (Korea)
- Tangono Kisha (Japan)
- Tanguti (Assam, India)
- Tari caci (Indonesia)
- Tarual khel fencing (Assam, India)
- Tekeli bhonga (Assam, India)
- Tel diya bah gosot utha climb oily bamboo or tel diya kolgosot utha climb oily banana plant (Assam, India)
- Tennikoit (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh)
- Tent Pegging (Pakistan)
- Thangta (Imphal, Manipur, India)
- Thati kopaati (Assam, India)
- Thirikkal race (Sri Lanka)
- Thoda (Pradesh, India)
- Throwball (India)
- Thukusa (Assam, India)
- Tikhy or Tikhee (Laos)
- Tinthengia dor (Assam, India)
- Tir-dhonuh (India)
- Tosiya (Japab)
- Tugging (Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea, Philippines)
- Turumpo (Philippines)
- Vajra-mushti (India)
- Vat (Vietnam)
- Vovinam Viêt-vo-Dao (Vietnam)
- Wooden shoes race (China)
- Wushu (China)
- Xingyiquan (China)
- Yabusame (Japan)
- Yajia (Tibet)
- Yak Polo (Mongolia)
- Yak riding (Central Asia)
- Yi wrestling (China)
- Yoga (India)
- Yotsudama (Japan)
- Youddha (India)
- Yubee-Lakpee (Manipur, India)
- Yubi Lakpi (Manipur, India)
- Yukigassen (Japan)
- Zegeteaba(Mongolia)
- Zhamby atu (Kazakhstan)
- Zhorgo salysh (Kyrgyzstan)
- Zui quan (China)
- Zurkhaneh or Pahlevani (Iran)
- Africa
- Abaogo (Ivory Coast)
- Abula (Nigeria)
- Akseltag (Marocco)
- Ampe Sports (Ghana)
- Attam (Ghana)
- Ayo (Nigeria)
- Bassula (Angola)
- Béri (Senegal)
- Boers Wrestling Styles (South Africa)
- Boreh (The Gambia)
- Borey or Boreh (Gambia)
- Butu (Namibia)
- Croche (La Réunion)
- Dambe (Nigeria, Niger, Chad)
- Dibeke (South Africa)
- Donga (Ethiopia)
- Draft (Ghana)
- Drie Stokke (South Africa)
- Dula Meketa (Etiopia)
- Egede (Nigeria)
- Ekak (Nigeria)
- El Matrag (Algeria)
- Engolo or Ngolo (Angola)
- Evala (Togo)
- Fantasia (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Mali, Niger, Mauritania)
- Gabetula (Angola)
- Genna (Ethiopia)
- Gidigbo (Nigeria)
- Gle Gbee (Liberia)
- Grech (Tunisia)
- Gusimbuka Urukiramende (Rwanda)
- Gutera Uruziga (Rwanda)
- Horo (Burundi)
- Intonga (South Africa)
- Isinaphakade Samathongo (South Africa)
- Iskandarâni (Egypt)
- Istunka (Somalia)
- Jukskei (South Africa)
- Kayti (Kenya)
- Kipura (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
- Kokowa or Kokawa (Niger)
- Kokuule (Benin)
- Koora (Algieria)
- Kurasa Intego (Rwanda)
- Kuta or Hikuta
- Laamb (Senegal)
- Lasso (Ivory Coast)
- Libanda (Congo)
- Maabza (Algeria)
- Maratabin or Maratabeen (Morocco)
- Mkazo Ncha Shikana (Senegal)
- Mnqgwayi (Zimbabwe)
- Moraingy (Madagascar)
- Musangwe (South Africa)
- N'oborro (Senegal)
- Nguni (South Africa)
- Njom (Senegal)
- Nuba (Sudan)
- Nubian stick (Sudan)
- Nxai (aka Rwabi) (Botswana)
- Nzango (Congo)
- Oggaf (Tunisia)
- Olva (Senegal)
- Oware (Ghana)
- Palapala (Cameroon)
- Ringball (South Africa)
- Savika (Madagascar)
- Sebekkah (Egypt)
- Shirra (Marocco)
- Sorro (Niger)
- Ta kurt om el mahag (Libya)
- Tachkoumte (Algeria)
- Tahtib or Tahteeb (Egypt)
- Testa or Riesy (Eritrea)
- Tigel (Ethiopia)
- Tiqqar (Algeria)
- Toubata (Sudan)
- Tubata (Sudan)
- Uba wrestling (Sudan)
- Vététré (Togo)
- Zvaha (Togo)
- Australia, Oceania, Pacyfic
- Ant pinching (Tokelau Islands)
- Apai (Polynesia)
- Australian football (Australia)
- Battendi spear throwing (Papua New Guinea)
- Beach volleyball (Guam, Northern Mariana Islands)
- Boumwane (Kiribati)
- Bubbesah boomerang throwing (Papua New Guinea)
- Campdrafting (Australia)
- Chongka (Guam)
- Coconut climbing (Tahiti)
- Coconut relay (Guam, Northern Mariana Islands)
- Coconut shelling (Tahiti)
- Copra (Tahiti)
- Coreeda (Australia)
- Epoo Korio (Papua New Guinea)
- Fagatua (Tokelau Islands)
- Fish net casting (Guam, Northern Mariana Islands)
- Fisipa (Tonga)
- Foot Racing (Tuvalu)
- Fruit carrier race (Tahiti)
- Game of throws (Guam, Northern Mariana Islands)
- Goomboobooddoo wrestling (Papua New Guinea)
- Hakariki (New Zealand)
- Hakoko (Hawaii)
- Heiva Tu’aro Ma’ohi (Tahiti)
- Hiko (Tonga)
- Holua (Hawaii)
- Hosenlauf (Australia)
- Ibibo (Nauru)
- Itsibweb (Nauru)
- Javelin throwing (Polinesia)
- Javelin throwing (Tahiti)
- Karaduga (Nauru)
- Kasivaki (Tonga)
- Kee’an (Australia)
- Ki-o-rahi (New Zealand)
- Kilikiti (Tuvalu, Samoa)
- Kokan (Australia, New Zealand, Oceania)
- Lance throwing (Tuvalu)
- Lime Juggling (Cook Islands)
- Lua (Hawaii)
- Marn Grook (Australia)
- Me'etu'upaki (Tonga)
- Moana (Tonga)
- Motoraa (Tahiti)
- Niti (New Zealand)
- Niue Pacific Darts (Niue)
- Omaoma (New Zealand)
- Outrigger canoe race (Guam, Northern Mariana Islands)
- Outriggerr (Hawaii, South Pacific)
- Oztag (Australia)
- Patia fa (Tahiti, Polynesia)
- Pi'i Tauva (Tonga)
- Pipi-kaheru (also tikapekape) (New Zealand)
- Ploughing (New Zealand)
- Popoko (Cook Islands)
- Quarterstaff Fencing (Tuvalu)
- Reti or Panukunuku (New Zealand)
- Rope quoits (Australia)
- Rore (stilt) races (Cook Islands)
- Samoa Rules (Samoa)
- Sheep dog trials (New Zealand)
- Sheep shearing (New Zealand)
- Sika (Niue)
- Sloop sailing (Bahamas)
- Stone Lifting (Tahiti)
- Stretcher race (Guam, Northern Mariana Islands)
- Tagati'a (Samoa)
- Tagatika (Samoa)
- Taulafoga (Samoa)
- Taupiga (Samoa)
- Te Anu or Te Ano (Tuvalu)
- Te Boiri (Kiribati)
- Te Oreano (Kiribati)
- Tepukei (Solomon Islands)
- Ti-uru (New Zealand)
- Tika (Niue)
- Tiqa (Fiji)
- Toto (Solomon Islands)
- Trugo (Australia)
- Tug of war (Guam, Northern Mariana Islands)
- Ula (Tonga)
- Ulu or Maika (Hawaii)
- Ulutoa (Fiji)
- Va'a Taie (Tahiti)
- Vaka - outrigger paddling (Fiji)
- Vava'u (Tonga)
- Veibo (Fiji)
- Veicaque Moli (Fiji)
- Veidre Dali (Fiji)
- Veisaga (Fiji)
- Veisolo (Fiji)
- Velo (Tokelau Islands)
- Vigoro (Australia)
- Village Volleyball (Niue)
- Waka ama (New Zealand)
- Woodchopping (New Zealand)
- North America
- 5 Pin Bowling (Canada)
- Abseiling (USA)
- Alaskan high kick (North America)
- Anejodi (North America)
- Bull Fighting (Mexico, Spain)
- Bump Ball (Alaska)
- Carrera de Arihueta (Mexico)
- Carrera de Bola (Mexico)
- Charreada (Mexico)
- Charreria (Mexico)
- Chunkey (North America)
- Chupa Porrazo (Mexico)
- Double Ball (Alaska)
- Ear pull (North America)
- Ear weight (North America)
- Escaramuzas (Mexico)
- Eskimo Stick Pull (North America)
- Five-pin bowling (Canada)
- Four Man Carry (Alaska)
- Gugahawat (North America)
- Head Pull (North America)
- High Kick (Alaska)
- Hogh Kick (Alaska)
- Hoop and Pole or Chungke in Cheyenne (North America)
- Juego del Corozo (Mexico)
- Kickball (North America)
- Kwíkweltóól (Canada)
- Lacrosse (USA, Canada)
- Lucha Libre (Mexico)
- Lucha Rarámuri (Mexico)
- Mesoamerican Ballgame (Mexico)
- Nalukataq (North America)
- Ohonistuts (North America)
- Okichitaw (Canada)
- One food high kick (North America)
- One hand reach (North America)
- Pelota Mixteca (Mexico)
- Pelota Purépecha (Mexico)
- Roping (USA)
- Side-Hold (USA, Canada)
- Stick pull (North America)
- Stickball (North America)
- Tarahumara (Mexico)
- Toe kick (North America)
- Tuj Lub (North America)
- Ulama (Mexico)
- Una Tar Taq (Inuit)
- Voladores (Mexico)
- South America
- Awar cudehue (Chile)
- Bajan stick-licking (Barbados)
- Biribol (Brazil)
- Bolas Criollas (Venezuela)
- Caballito de Totora (Peru)
- Capoeira (Brazil)
- Carrera vosá (Paraguay)
- Cestoball (Argentina)
- Chaza (Colombia)
- Chilean Rodeo (Chile)
- Coleo (Venezuela)
- Esgrima criolla (Argentina)
- Footvolley (Brazil)
- Gommier (Martinique)
- Haka Pei (Easter Island, Chile)
- Huka huka (Brazil)
- Huytruhuetun (Chile)
- Indiaka (South America)
- Jineteada Mate (Uruguay)
- Jineteadas rodeo (Argentina)
- Kalenda (Trinidad and Tobago)
- Kanjire (Brazil)
- Kollellaulln (Chile)
- Laqui, Laque (Chile)
- Lazu or Ladu (Chile)
- Lefkawellun (Chile)
- Limbo (South America)
- Linao (Chile)
- Llighetun (Chile)
- Loncoquilquil (Chile)
- Loncotum or Loncoto (Chile)
- Mani (Cuba)
- Paleta Frontón (Peru)
- Palin or Palitun (Mapuches, Chile)
- Palo ensebao (Bolivia)
- Pato (Argentina)
- Pelkitun (Chile)
- Pelota de Guante (Ecuador)
- Pelota Nacional (Ecuador)
- Pelota tatá (Paraguay)
- Peteca (Brazil)
- Pillmatum (Chile)
- Pinge wrestling (Haiti)
- Pokyah (South America)
- Quechucan (Chile)
- Rana (Colombia)
- Rayuela (Chile)
- Rodeo (Chile)
- Rungkun (Chile)
- Selk'nam or Onas Wrestling (Argentina, Chile)
- Tejo (Colombia)
- Tinku (Bolivia)
- Trompo (Bolivia)
- Waikitun (Chile)
- Xikunahati (Brazil)
- Yole (Martinique)
- Zikunahity (Brazil, Paresi Indians)
- Australia and Oceania
- Europe
- More about TSG
- Events
- 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day Ethnosport Competition 2022
- 19-21.09.2019 Pelota Vasca
- 2019 World Wushu Kung Fu day festival
- 2da Copa Millonaria de Tejo
- 3rd EVVF European Vovinam Junior Championships November 1-3, 2019
- 3rd International Ethnosport Forum
- 3rd World Eguestrian Martial Arts Competition
- 5th Ethnosport Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan
- 6th WVVF World Vovinam Championships
- 76• Campeonato Argentino de Pelota Paleta 2019
- 8th International Turkish Folks Traditional Sports Games Symposium
- African Traditional Games Competitions of Botswana
- Applications of Equestrian Sports in the World
- Árpád Cup, Hungarian Castle Camp
- Brittany Games (C'hoarioù Breizh) 2022
- Championship of the Altai Republic (Russia) in Kok-Boru
- Curso Taller de Juegos y Deportes Autoctonos y Tradicionales 2020
- Dia del Charro, sabado 14 de Septiembre
- District level Boomerang championship, Tiruvallur, India
- Ethnosport Forum
- European Championships In Traditional Archery, 8th-11th of August
- European Sambo Campionships 2021
- Event organized by the Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia, May 31, 2021
- Festival for traditional Easter Games, Cyprus
- Gateball League Fixture List 2019
- Gilli Danda coaching cours & Training Camp Pakistan 2020
- Horseback Archery Championship, In the Land of Chinggis Khan
- Horseback Archery European Championship, Sypniewo
- Horseback Archery European Grand Prix Series
- Horseback Archery International Competition
- Ier Forum Européen des Jeux et Sports Traditionnels
- Impacts of Traditional Sports and Games on Global Peace and Development During and After COVID-19
- Implementations of Traditional Sport and Games (TSG) in school settings
- International Traditional Games Festival 2019
- IV Międzynarodowe Mistrzostwa Polski w Łucznictwie Tradycyjnym
- IX Encuentro Internacional, Ribera del Duero, Juegos Tradicionales y Turismo
- Jouons pour vivre ensemble
- Los Juegos Panamericanos Lima 2019
- Los Juegos Y Deportes Tradicionales: “La Institucionalización”
- Lucha Leonesa, 20 de Julio
- Ministerial Webinar on the Safeguarding and Promotion of Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) in Africa
- Musangwe 2022/2023
- National Open Online Traditional Martial Arts Seminar
- National Traditional Sports Games 2021, India
- National Valari Sport Referee Seminar 2021
- Online Conference on Traditional Sports and Games
- Online International Conference on Traditional Sports and Games
- Polish Tatar’s Horseback Archery Competition
- Premios Deportes y Juegos, Motores Autóctonos y Tradicionales de Canarias
- Qazaq Kuresi World Cup
- Rebatta Tournament
- Sqay martial arts Coaching &Training Camp
- The 15th World Horseback Archery Championship and 2019 Chungju World Martial Arts Masterships
- The 16th World Horseback Archery Championship
- The future of traditional games and sports: investing in education
- The Second National Boomerang Championship 2021, India
- The virtual panel of Pelota Mixteca
- Torneo Pelota Mixteca
- Traditional Children and Adult Games (intelligence/strategy/board games)
- Traditional wrestling event organized by the Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia
- VI Festival de Jocs Tradicionals de Catalunya
- VII International Meeting of Traditional Games Ribera del Duero 2021
- Woman Sqay Cup, November 2019
- World Ludo Federation Online Courses
- World Nomad Games
- World Sqay Championship 2022 Pakistan
- X Campeonato del Mundo Sub-22 Frontón 30 m
- XI. International Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) Symposium on Nov 4-5, 2022, Gaziantep, Turkiye
- XIV Encuentro de Juegos y Deportes Autoctonos y Tradicionales
- XVII Torneo Regional de Pelota P'Urhepecha
- XX Campeonato Nacional de Pelota P’urhepecha
- XXII Encuentro Estatal de Ulama
- XXII Encuentro Nacional de Juegos y Deporte Autóctonos y Tradicionales
- XXIII Encuentro Nacional de Juegos y Deportes Autóctonos y Tradicionales
- XXVI Torneo de Uarhukua Ch’Anakua
- Literature
- Andreas V. Georgiou, Pankration: An Olympic Combat Sport
- Arab Archery: An Arabic Manuscript of About A.D. 1500
- Bartosz Prabucki, Traditional Sports and Games in the Contemporary World: The New Face of Sport?
- Beginner's Guide to Traditional Archery
- Board and Table Games from Many Civilizations
- Bruce B. Bethers, Jose Caracena Traditional Kodokan Judo
- Bruce R. Bethers, Jose A. Caracena, Gabriel García, Kazuo Ito Goshin Jutsu - Traditional Judo
- Bruce R. Bethers, José A. Caracena, Te Hodoki, Traditional Jujutsu
- Carlos de la Villa, Norberto Gonçalves (editores), Mujer y deporte tradicional
- Catálogo de los deportes y juegos motores tradicionales canarios de adultos
- David Benjamin, Sumo A Thinking Fan's Guide to Japan's National Sport
- Don Nardo, Arts, leisure, and sport in ancient Egypt
- Donn F. Draeger, The Martial Arts of Indonesia : A Guide to Pencak Silat, Kuntao and Traditional Weapons
- Donn F. Dreager, The Weapons & Fighting Arts of Indonesia
- Doug Cook, Traditional Taekwondo
- Fernando Pinto Cebrián, Juegos Saharauis para Jugar en la Arena
- Frederic Llopis Bausset, El joc de pilota valenciana
- G. Whitney Azoy, Buzkashi: Game and Power in Afghanistan
- Geoff Salmon, Kendo, A Comprehensive Guide To Japanese Swordsmanship
- Giorgio Caviglia, Pallapugno. Cento anni di sfide tricolori Copertina flessibile
- Gloria Delso Morrón, Juegos y Deportes Tradicionales en la provincia de Soria
- Gordon Muir, Yang Style, Traditional Long Form T’ai Chi Ch’uan, as Taught by Master T.T.Liang
- Günther Heim, Ranggeln
- Guy Jaouen, Joël Guibert, Indigenous Sports & Games, Which Sport Leisure’s For The Society of Tomorrow
- Guy Jaouen, Matthew Bennett Nichols, Celtic Wrestling, The Jacket Styles
- Ignacio Ramos Altamira, Frontones madrileños
- Igor Dudukchan, Traditional Wing Chun, The branch of great master Yip Man
- Irving L Finkel, Colin MacKenzie, Asian games: the art of contest
- Itzik Cohen, Karate Uchina-Di Okinawan Karate An Exploration of its Origins and Evolution
- J.W. (Bill) Fitsell, How hockey happened
- Jaisal Singh, Polo in India, Roli Books, 2008
- Jean Jacques Barreau, Guy Jaouen, Les jeux Populaires
- Jeux, sports et divertissement, au Moyen Âge at à l’ Âge classique
- Jie Tian, Justin Ma, The Way of Archery: A 1637 Chinese Military Training Manual
- Jocs tradicionals de la Ribera d'Ebre i la Terra Alta amb Tradijoc
- Jorge J. López Bordón, Archery, A Walk Trough Its History
- José Antonio Azpiazu, Juegos y Apuestas en la Historia de Euskal Herria
- José Víctor Morales, José Matías Palenzuela, La Lucha Canaria
- Juegos Antiguos y contemporaneos en America del Sur
- Juegos y Deortes Populaires, Autóctonos y Tradicionales
- Juegos y Deportes Autóctonos y Tradicionales de México
- Jürgen Wasim Frembgen, Paul Rollier, Wrestlers, Pigeon Fanciers and Kite Flyers
- Kyudo: The Essence and Practice of Japanese Archery
- L. Gougaud, La soûle en Bretagne et les jeux similaires du Cornwall et du Pays de Galles
- La Diversitat ludica a l'escola i al temps lliure
- Lorenzo Millo, El Trinquet
- Louis Toulet (Eskutik), La Pelote Basque, Histoire, Technique et pratique
- Mapping of traditional sports and games (TSG) in Europe
- Marc D. Bishop, Okinawan Karate: Teachers, Styles and Secret Techniques
- Miguel Pic, Pere Lavega-Burgués, Jaume March-Llanes, Motor behaviour through traditional games
- N Sathiya Moorthy, Jallikattu: New Symbol of Tamil Angst
- Olatz González Abrisketa, Basque pelota, a ritual, an aesthetic
- P. Parlebas, M. Boutin, Jeux sportifs, jeux de société et classifications
- Pelota vasca en Cuba 1930-1960
- Piero Frau, S’Istrumpa, Manuale storico didattico
- Rémi Mollet, Hapkido, Art coréen d'autodéfense
- Robert Crego, Sports and Games of the 18th and 19th centuries, Greenwood Press. Sports & Recreation, 2003
- Robert W. Smith, Pa-Kua Chinese Boxing for Fitness and Self-Defense
- Ruadhán MacFadden, Irish Collar and Elbow Wrestling
- Ruslan Pashayev, The Story of Catch
- S. Allely, T. Baker, P. Comstock, J.Hamm, R. Hardcastle, J. Massey, J. Strunk, The Traditional Bowyer's Bible
- S. Ranjit Singh, N. Sunderlal Singh, Traditional Sports and Martial Arts of North Eastern Tribals of India
- Saxton T. Pope, A Study Of Bows And Arrows
- Seamus J King, A History of Hurling
- Seamus J. King, The Little Book of Hurling
- Silvia Sedano Campo, Juegos Populares y Tradicionales en el Camino de Santiago, Belorado y La Riojilla Burgalesa
- Sport in Ancient Egypt
- Steve Craig, Sports and games of the ancients
- Tahtib Moderne
- The Antropology of Sport, Bodies, Borders, Biopolitics
- The Filipino Martial Arts
- Theodore R. Whitman, History of Archery
- Tony Collins, How Football Began, A Global History of How the World's Football Codes Were Born, Routledge 2018
- TSG 2 Traditional Sports and Games, A Scott Wendel
- Wolfgang Brinck, The Aleutian Kayak
- Wong Kiew Kit, The Art of Shaolin Kung Fu: The Secrets of Kung Fu for Self-Defense, Health, and Enlightenment
- Articles
- Ezzeddine Bouzid, Poids symbolique des scènes de jeux de la Tunisie Africo-Romaine : IIèm - VIèm s. ap. J.-C.
- Farruh Ahmedov - Kurash, History and social significance
- Guy Jaouen - Debates and perspectives for Traditional Sports and Games
- Guy Jaouen - Debates y perspectivas para los deportes y juegos tradicionales
- Guy Jaouen - Débats et perspectives pour les Jeux et Sports Traditionnels
- Guy Jaouen - Dezbateri şi perspective pentru Jocurile şi Sporturile Tradiţionale
- Guy Jaouen - Games of Bats and short Sticks or Balls in the world
- Guy Jaouen - I giochi di Bastoni con Bastoncini o con Palline nel Mondo
- Guy Jaouen - La lutte traditionelle en Iran
- Guy Jaouen - Les JEUX DE BÂTONS avec BÂTONNETS ou avec BALLES dans le Monde
- Guy Jaouen - Los JUEGOS DE BASTONES con PALOS, o con BOLAS, en el Mundo
- Guy Jaouen - Os jogos de Paus com pequenos Paus e com Bolas no Mundo
- Guy Jaouen - Quels loisirs sportifs? Pour quelle société de demain?
- Guy Jaouen - Συζητήσεις και προοπτικές για τα παραδοσιακά αθλήματα και τα παιχνίδια
- Guy Jaouen, Le Jeu de Lutte au Baton et le sport Mas-Wrestling
- Guy Jaouen, The Game of Stick-Pulling and the sport of Mas-Wrestling
- Guy Jaouen, Traditional wrestling in Iran
- Guy JAOUEN, Which sporting leisures? For which society of tomorrow?
- Iván Sánchez Monroy, Saving the Legacy: The Prehispanic Ballgame
- Laghla Bouzid, La femme et la préservation des jeux traditionnels
- Laghla Bouzid, Les jeux traditionnels dans la région d’Oued Noun: Du culturel à l’éducatif
- Pro Wrestling in Munich, 1840s - Ruslan Pashayev
- Ruslan C Pashayev - General Rules of Wrestling, 1840s, Germany
- Ruslan C Pashayev - Parkyns wrestling
- Ruslan C Pashayev - Ranggeln
- Ruslan C Pashayev - Russian Folkstyles of Wrestling
- Ruslan C Pashayev - Russo-Swiss Belt Wrestling
- Ruslan C Pashayev - Rutzen of Entlebuch (Lucerne, Switzerland)
- Ruslan C Pashayev - Scottish Wrestling in the 1800s
- Ruslan C Pashayev - The Bear Hug Wrestling
- Ruslan C Pashayev - The Birth of Freestyle Wrestling in Europe and America
- Ruslan C Pashayev - The rules of the traditional Austrian Ranggeln Wrestling competitions from the 1870s
- Ruslan C Pashayev - Wrestling For The Boar’s Head. 1800’s Hornchurch, Essex, England.
- Ruslan C Pashayev, Devon Style of Wrestling
- Ruslan C Pashayev, Introduction of pro wrestling Championships at Nimes, France, XIV Century
- Ruslan C Pashayev, Lancashire wrestling
- Ruslan C Pashayev, Traditional Wrestling Games in West Flanders
- Ruslan C Pashayev, Wrestling in the Salzburg Mountains
- Traditional Kerala Kalarippayattu Martial Arts Training and Kalari System for Supporting Health & Fitness of Sportsperson
- Exhibitions
- Atli cirit - Kazimierz Waluch (Traditional Sports) photographic exhibition
- Boule de fort – Guillaume Lanouhe (Association Brev’Art) photographic exhibition
- Carreras de Caballos de Sanlúcar de Barrameda
- Course camarguaise – Guillaume Lanouhe (Association Brev’Art) photographic exhibition
- Course Landaise – Guillaume Lanouhe (Association Brev’Art) photographic exhibition
- Danza de los Voladores - Guillaume Lanouhe (Association Brev’Art) photographic exhibition
- Escaramuza charra - Guillaume Lanouhe (Association Brev’Art) photographic exhibition
- Fantasia – Guillaume Lanouhe (Association Brev’Art) photographic exhibition
- Gouren – Jean Paul Menou photographic exhibition
- Gouren, Kazimierz Waluch photographic exhibition
- Guillaume Lanouhe, Mémoire des Jeux, 2024
- Highland Games - Guillaume Lanouhe (Association Brev’Art) photographic exhibition
- Joutes Languedociennes – Guillaume Lanouhe (Association Brev’Art) photographic exhibition
- Le Jeu de boules en région parisienne
- Paradosiaki pali, Kazimierz Waluch (Traditional Sports) photographic exhibition
- Paso de caballo et Marinera, Guillaume Lanouhe, photographic exhibition
- Regata Storica of Venice, 2024, Guillaume Lanouhe (Brev'art), photographic exhibition
- Ristynės - Kazimierz Waluch (Traditional Sports) photographic exhibition
- Şalvar güreşi - Kazimierz Waluch (Traditional Sports) photographic exhibition
- Spinning exhibition in the world Part 1
- Watu motu, a game of stones in Waigalli, Sumba - Kazimierz Waluch (Traditional Sports) photographic exhibition
- World Traditional Wrestling Tournament of North Macedonia, Studenichani, Skopje, 21 July 2024 - Kazimierz Waluch (Traditional Sports) photographic exhibition
- Books
- E-HANDBOOK, STYLE - Sport Tradition Youth Linked Elderly
- Guy Jaouen, Joël Guibert, Indigenous Sports & Games
- Guy Jaouen, Petar Petrov, Traditional Wrestling, Our Culture
- I Spot Sport, Traditions, Modernity, Future
- Traditional European Games and Sports for youth. Guide to Good Practices
- Traditional Games and Sports to Foster Gender Equality
- Traditional Games and Sports to Promote Social Inclusion
- Traditional Wrestling - Promoting Traditional Wrestling For Cultural Tourism and Local Development
- XALA! Jocs tradicionals de la Ribera d'Ebre i la Terra Alta amb Tradijoc
- Željko Bjeljac, Jovana Brankov, Old Folk Sports, Games and Competitions – Preservation, Transmission of Knowledge and Presentation
- Events
- Events
- TSG Activities
- News
- "Dos Luchadores" de Cesare Fracanzano
- A carpet that represents the game of polo, Iran
- A Winter Scene with Two Gentlemen Playing Golf
- African Traditional Games Competitions of Botswana
- Already over 1,000 events in the TSG Calendar in 2024
- An Egyptian chamber mural
- Ancient Egypt game
- Ancient Indus die
- Anejodi – traditional sports from North America
- Anniversary of the foundation of the International Basque Federation Pelota
- Annual Ethnosport Competition 2020, Bangladesh
- Arrow maker, Ya-shi
- Associazione Valdostana Rebatta - New Partner of Traditional Sports
- Audaryspak (rider wrestling) - traditional sport of Kazakhstan
- Bagchal from Nepal
- Banatske šore - new article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports
- Bangladesh Ethnosport Association - welcome new partner
- Biady - new article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports
- Boxer at rest
- Burmese life 19th century
- Buzkashi competition, January 31,2021
- Campus for serbian childs - workshop about TSG
- Carrera de Arihueta – traditional sport from Mexico
- Championship of the Republic of Moldova in National Wrestling Trynta 22.11.2024
- Childhood Festival of Heritage and Traditional Games, Maroc
- Chovqan - traditional sport of Azerbaijan.
- Concluyó el Campeonato Nacional Mexicano de Charrería 2019
- Croatia; TSG student's work
- Curling
- Dara - traditional game of North Africa
- Early Cricket (Pre 1799)
- Ethiopian Traditional Sports and Games
- European Championship and Polish Championship in Traditional Archery
- Evala – traditional sport from Togo
- EXHIBITION "Mémoire des jeux" - Château Pichon-Bellevue
- Fédération des Sports et Jeux Normands - New Partner of Traditional Sports
- Foot Ball, Kingston-upon-Thames, Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 24th, 1846
- Franz Roubaud (1856-1928) - Playing Kokpar
- Game Of Hounds And Jackals, 1814-1805 BC
- Gasing - Malaysia
- Ghe Ngo - traditional Khmer sport
- Glima - New video on the Traditional Sports YouTube page
- Greek marble relief of a man with a ball on his knee (400 BCE).
- Guillaume Lanouhe (Brev'Art) exhibition, Bordeaux
- Guy Jaouen, Le Jeu de Lutte au Baton et le sport Mas-Wrestling (French version)
- Guy-o Chawgân
- Harpastum
- Hercules Wrestling Antaeus
- Highland Games, Luss, Scotland, July 6, 2024
- Homo ludens, Pieter Bruegel
- Horse Racing (Tibet)
- Horse wrestling, june 2024, new video on Youtube channel
- International Fight Kickboxing Federation's Arbitration Stag
- Isindi - new article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports
- IX Encuentro Internacional Ribera del Duero, Juegos Tradicionales y Turismo
- Kabakhi - new article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports
- Karachi Gilli Danda Championship
- Kasagak-traninig
- Kemari - ancient japanese football
- Kemari - traditional sports of Japan
- Kendo from John Reddie Black book
- Kolla game, Sumba, Indonesia
- Kyrgyz stamps - traditional sports
- La course landaise in Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports
- List of traditional sports - Q
- Mallakhamb
- Mani – traditional sport of Cuba
- Many cultures - one sport, kite
- Mesoamerican Ball Game
- More than 1,500 events in the TSG calendar 2024
- National Federation Of Georgian Equestrian Folk Games - New Partner of Traditional Sports
- National University Championships on Wrestling TRYNTA, Moldova
- New article - G.Jaouen, La lutte traditionelle en Iran
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports - huka huka
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports - palin
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports - Pasabolo tablón
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports - pasola
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports - shalvar wrestling
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports - Tari caci
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports - Tinku
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports - trugo
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports - Vranići
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports - Xikunahati
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports – Donga, traditional sport from Ethiopia
- New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports- Tranta, traditional sport from Moldova
- New article Laghla Bouzid
- New article on Pacu Jawi
- New information on Traditional Sport website - Carrera de Arihueta (Rohueliami)
- New Partner of Traditional Sports - Shitoryu World Karate Federation
- New Partner, Circolo Sportivo Olimpia Il Maiorchino
- New Partner, L'association Oum Diyar (Maroc)
- New Traditional Sports Partner, Victorian Trugo Association
- New video on the Traditional Sports YouTube Channel - Gouren 20.07.2024
- New video on the Traditional Sports YouTube channel - Tskhenburti
- New video on the Traditional Sports YouTube channel-trynta
- New Year 2024
- No ball games, Florence
- Official website of Flying Kick Sports Association India (FKSAI) - Partner Traditional Sports
- Olinda keliya - traditional Sri Lanka game
- Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and Traditional Sports.
- Papegai or papegault
- Patolli game
- Pelivansko borenje - new article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports!
- Philosophy of the color of red clothing in fight kickboxing (ifkf)
- Prades 2024
- Queen Humay Playing Polo with Her Slaves
- Renaut de Montauban
- Ristynės - New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports!
- Road Tennis in Barbados
- Roman mosaic with boxing match
- Roman mosaic with scene of Pankration
- Roots of Modern Wrestling
- Ruslan C Pashayev - Rules of Cumberland and Westmorland Wrestling
- Ruslan C Pashayev, Wrestling at the Tournoi de Nozeroy, 1519
- Sasanian Die
- Sculpture from Cathedral of Toledo
- Sepak takraw - new video on the Traditional Sports YouTube channel
- Skiing Birchlegs Crossing the Mountain with the Royal Child.
- Tahtib - new article on
- Tari caci - New video on the Traditional Sports YouTube Channel
- Ten Giant Warriors
- The AEJeST has reached its 20th anniversary
- The Bull-Leaping Fresco
- The republican tournament in the national belt Wrestling Trynta 28.09.2024
- The Roman "turricula"
- The tombstone of Adrian Lucas
- Traditional Games in Amsterdam 1888
- Traditional sport of Scotland
- Traditional sports - Japanese stamps
- Traditional sports for seniors - classes of the Institute for the Development of Sport and Education in Warsaw
- Traditional Sports Partners 9.07.2024
- Traditional sports, the letter X
- TSG Global Week - Maiorchino, Italy 31.05.2025
- TSG Global Week 2025
- Tskhenburti – traditional sport from Georgia - New article in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Sports
- Virtual LIVE Zoom Meeting on Traditional Sport and Games (TSG)
- Waikitun – traditional sport of Mapuche (Chile)
- World Ethnosport Confederation (WEC)
- XII. International Traditional Sports and Games Symposium
- Zihgir-a
- Zugh d 'tutto zugh (game of all games)
- About Us
- Partners
- Arab Union for Traditional Folk Sports
- Asociación Cultural la Tanguilla (Spain)
- Asociación Ecuatoguineana de Akong
- Associació de la lluita del Bac de les Terres de l’Ebre (Spain)
- Association Of Almokabasah Wrestling Sport (AMW) (Oman)
- Association Oum Diyar du patrimoine et jeux traditionnels
- Association tunisienne de sauvegarde des jeux et sports du patrimoine
- Associazione Valdostana Rebatta (Italy)
- Boomerang Association of Australia (BAA)
- Botswana Traditional Sports and Games Confederation
- Brev’Art (France)
- Circolo Sportivo Olimpia il Maiorchino (Italy)
- Cultural Games Association, CGA (Ghana)
- Draco Order Community (UK)
- European Traditional Sports and Games Association (ETSGA)
- Fédération des Sports et Jeux Normands (France)
- Fédération Européenne de Bokator
- Fundacja Sport-Start (Poland)
- Georgian Kettlebell Sport, Mas-wrestling, Tug of War and CrossFit National Federation
- Georgian Strongmen and Highland Games National Federation
- Global Sikaran Federation
- Greek Centaurs (Greece)
- Hrvatski Savez Tradicijskih Igara I Sportova - HSTIS
- Indo-Boomerang Association (India)
- Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health (Nigeria)
- International Association of Physical Education and Sports, IAPES
- International Center for Tahtib (Egypt)
- International Ethnosport Bangladesh Association
- International Federation Of Shotokan Karate
- International Fight Kickboxing Federation
- International Flying Kick Sports Federation, IFKSF
- International Shinshidokan-kai Organization
- International Silambam Committee (ISC)
- International Valari Federation
- Istarski Pljočkarski Savez (Croatia)
- Jogo do Pau de Cascais Association
- Kok-Boru (Blue Wolf) and National Sports Union (Russia)
- Lebanese Federation for Heritage and Traditional Sports
- Lietuvos Etnosporto Komitetas
- Magyar Kokpar Szovetseg
- Moldovan Belt Wrestling Association
- Mongolian Horseback Archers' Association
- Museo del Juguete Étnico “Allel Kuzen”
- National Buzkashi and Local Sports Federation (Afghanistan)
- National Federation Of Georgian Equestrian Folk Games Development
- National Sport Federation of Trynta
- National Traditional Sports Federation of Sri Lanka
- Nithya Chaithanya Kalari (India)
- Pakistan Traditional Sports And Games Association
- Physical Education Foundation of India
- Polski Związek Kręglarski
- Polskie Stowarzyszenie Łucznictwa Tradycyjnego
- Quilles au maillet
- Shitoryu World Karate Federation
- Shobukan World Federation
- The Mexican Traditional and Autochthonous Games and Sports Federation (FMJDAT)
- Traditional Sports and Games Federation (India)
- Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia
- Tsar's Hound Hunting (Russia)
- Tukurhuecha P'ukutapu Anapu (Búhos del Bosque) (Mexico)
- UNESCO Martial Arts and Traditional Sport Sierra Leone
- United States Traditional Sports and Games Confederation
- Victorian Trugo Association
- Word All Style Traditional Karate Do Federation, WATKF
- World Ethnosport Confederation
- World Ninja Federation (WNF)
- World Waddan Federation
- Experts
- Volunteers
- Recommendations
- Join us
- Contact