
World Ninja Federation (WNF)

World Ninja Federation (WNF)

Ninja Wenf Martial Arts was founded in 2010 by Grand Master Dr. Mehran Ghasemzadeh, which is the center of this sport in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The World Ninja Federation is an official member of the Tafisa and Sport Accord Asia Organization.
It currently has offices in 87 countries. Every year we host seminars, world and European and Asian championships, World Cups and several international competitions.
Managed and supervised by the World Ninja Academy under the direct supervision of the World Ninja Federation, many students from all over the world enroll in education each year.
For the first time, we held official competitions in ninja style under the supervision of the government:
Ring and tatami fights (free and semi-free)
Traditional and modern weapon competitions
Throwing weapons competitions
Self defense competitions
Kata competitions
Multiplayer sports competitions for everyone
Public competitions
Physical fitness competitions and ...
Students of this martial art regularly participate in healthy championship competitions every year.
Many martial arts athletes join the World Ninja Academy to train as coaches, referees and instructors of the World Ninja Federation.

President: Dr. Mehran Ghasemzadeh

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Tel.: +994 50 663 97 57; +989 12 859 72 09




