Giorgio Caviglia, Pallapugno. Cento anni di sfide tricolori Copertina flessibile, Impressioni Grafiche 2022
Geoff Salmon, Kendo, A Comprehensive Guide To Japanese Swordsmanship, Tuttle Publishing, 2013
Ignacio Ramos Altamira, Frontones madrileños: Auge y caída de la pelota vasca en Madrid, Ediciones La Libreria 2013
Lorenzo Millo, El Trinquet, Prometeo, 1976
José M. Cañizares Marquez, Carmen Carbonero Celis, Juegos y Deortes Populaires, Autóctonos y Tradicionales, Wanceulen Editorial Deportiva, 2016
Rémi Mollet, Hapkido, Art coréen d'autodéfense, Budo Editions, 2005
Saxton T. Pope, A Study Of Bows And Arrows: Traditional Archery Methods, Equipment Crafting, And Comparison Of Ancient Native American Bows (The Library of Traditional Archery), Legacy Edition, 2020
Frederic Llopis Bausset, El joc de pilota valenciana, Carena editores, 1984
José Antonio Azpiazu, Juegos y Apuestas en la Historia de Euskal Herria, Txertoa 2018
Jean Jacques Barreau, Guy Jaouen, Les jeux Populaires, Eclipse et Renaissance, Des Traditions aux regions de l’Europe de demain, Editions Confédération FALSAB 1998
We are happy to announce the publication of XALA! Jocs tradicionals de la Ribera d'Ebre i la Terra Alta amb Tradijoc.
This is the expansion of the initial dossier of traditional games included in the "TRADIJOC festival" which now includes 35 popular games with more than 50 variants from the regions of Ribera d'Ebre and Terra Alta in 130 pages.
The book, magnificently illustrated is in Catalan, Spanish and English, and has been edited by the cultural association Lo Llaüt.
The publication is available on the Traditional Sports website:
We thank Gabriel Pubill Soler for providing this publication.
Marc D. Bishop, Okinawan Karate: Teachers, Styles and Secret Techniques, Tuttle Publishing, 1999
Silvia Sedano Campo, Juegos Populares y Tradicionales en el Camino de Santiago, Belorado y La Riojilla Burgalesa, AC La Tanguilla, 2008
Seamus J King, A History of Hurling, Gill & Macmillan; 1996
Juegos Antiguos y contemporaneos en America del Sur, Editores: Carlos de la Villa, Stela Maris Ferrarese
Asociación cultural La Tanguilla and Museo Etnico are Partners of Traditional Sports
This work edited jointly by the Tanguilla Association, the Museum of Traditional Games of Aranda de Duero, Spain, and the Ethnic Toy Museum of Neuquén, Argentina, is a proposal by a group of researchers gathered with the idea of discussing the subject of toys and games of the indigenous peoples of South America that unfortunately has been largely ignored by specialists.
Donn F. Dreager, The Weapons & Fighting Arts of Indonesia, Tuttle Publishing, 2012
Jorge J. López Bordón, Archery, A Walk Trough Its History, 2022
Gloria Delso Morrón, Juegos y Deportes Tradicionales en la provincia de Soria.
Carlos de la Villa, Norberto Gonçalves (editores), Mujer y deporte tradicional, Asociación Cultural La Tanguilla
Presentations of the World Congress "Women and Traditional Sports", held in Aranda de Duero in April 2019. Bilingual edition, Spanish and Portuguese.
Igor Dudukchan, Traditional Wing Chun, The branch of great master Yip Man, 2017
A Scott Wendel, TSG 2: Traditional Sports and Games
Guy Jaouen, Joël Guibert, Indigenous Sports & Games, Which Sport Leisure’s For The Society of Tomorrow?
Fernando Pinto Cebrián, Juegos Saharauis para Jugar en la Arena. Juegos y Juguetes Tradicionales del Sáhara, Miraguano Ediciones,1 Diciembre 1999
Seamus J. King, The Little Book of Hurling, History Press Limited, 2020
Louis Toulet (Eskutik), La Pelote Basque, Histoire, Technique et pratique, Editions de Vecchi 1979
A Book of IRSiE and expert Bartosz Prabucki
“Traditional Sports and Games in the Contemporary World: The New Face of Sport?”
P. Parlebas, M. Boutin, Jeux sportifs, jeux de société et classifications, Harmattan Édition, 2022
S. Allely, T. Baker, P. Comstock, J.Hamm, R. Hardcastle, J. Massey, J. Strunk, The Traditional Bowyer's Bible, Volume 1-4, Lyons Press; 1st edition, March 1, 2000
Bruce B. Bethers, Jose Caracena Traditional Kodokan Judo, Blurb, 2021
Andreas V. Georgiou, Pankration: An Olympic Combat Sport; Volume 1, Xlibris, 2005