The owl logo, our team of began to form in 2005 and acquires the name in 2007, Tukurhuecha P'ukutapu Anapu (Búhos del Bosque) integrated by people from different communities and cities of Michoacán, we belong to the association of indigenous games and sports and traditional Michoacán A.C, our team promotes traditional games such as the are canicas, trompo, yoyo, papalotes as well as native as they are Kuachankaka, kansakata, K'uilichi Ch'anakua, Tembini Iumu, patolli, Uarhukua Ch'anakua, P'asarhutakua Ch'anakua etc.
Tel: +52 443 128 8474
Fb: Pelota P’urhépecha (Uárhukua Chanakua)