La course camarguaise (France)
- Name of sport (game): La course camarguaise
- Place of practice (continent, state, nation):
- History:
The Camargue race is a sporting and cultural practice, designed to highlight the fighting spirit and intelligence of the Camargue bull, called «biòu». In the arenas, located in the heart of villages, men dressed in white, the shavers will try to graze, to shave the biòu as close as possible, in order to unhook the fixed attributes such as the roundel. Unlike bullfighting in Spain and bullfighting, the Camargue race takes place without killing, and it is the bull that is a star, not the man. The oldest testimony of the origin of the Camargue race goes back to 1402 in Arles: a race was given in honour of Louis II, Count of Provence.
- Description:
From spring through to autumn, on the golden sand of Arles' arena and in each Camargue village, an impassioned and knowledgeable crowd is gathered. Razeteurs (Camargue bullfighters) come head-to-head with Camargue bulls in this chivalrous game that requires such values as loyalty and valour from both Man and beast. Skill and agility, along with a mutual re-spect, are key to the Camargue bullfight. Unlike with corridas (Spanish bullfights) which show the matador's name in big letters, post-ers publicising the course Camarguaise puts the bull's name before that of the razeteur. The name of the manade (farm) from which the bull comes is also given. The true star of the show is really the bull! From fight to fight, his qualities bring him glory and make him a sought-after animal, guaranteeing some very action-packed afternoons! As for the razeteurs, they are just support acts, their fame being based on the reputation of the bull that they are facing. No blood is spilled in the Camargue bullfight; the Camargue bull does not come to kill, unlike his Spanish cousin. When this bull kills, which unfortunately can happen, his name is scratched from all lists.
Source: https://www.manade-caillan.fr/nos-courses-camarguaises - Current status:
On 10 October 1975, the French Federation of Camargue Racing (FFCC) was approved by the French Ministry of Youth, Sports and Community Life. Camargue racing is recognized as a sport by the State Secretariat for Youth and Sports.
- Importance (for practitioners, communities etc.):
The Camargue race (or free race) is a sporting, cultural and traditional practice which attracts more than 300,000 spectators to the arenas each year and has more than 3500 licensees. Approximately 850 races are organized each year during the season. The championship is organized into three trophies according to the level of the shavers: the Trophy of Aces, the Trophy of the Future, and the Trophy of Honor.
Source: https://www.domainegassier.com/en/2011/07/28/an-afternoon-at-a-course-camarguaise-part-i/ - Contacts:
Fédération Française de la Course Camarguaise
485 rue Aimé Orand, Nîmes, France
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: https://www.ffcc.info/
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/federationfrancaisecoursecamarguaise/ - Sources of information :
Ludovic Estevan, Course Camarguaise: Taureaux & cocardiers, Editions Equinoxe 2019
Éric Delaperrière, La course camarguaise, Editions Equinoxe 2004
Jacky Simeon, Dictionnaire de la course camarguaise, DIABLE VAUVERT, 2013
Christian Louis Sournia, La course camarguaise, Ecole nationale vétérinaire de Toulouse, 1984
William Greatfield, Lucie Subrero, Le taureau et la course camarguaise,
ERREUR PERIMES Delville, 1987Articles:
Photos credits : Guillaume Lanouhe, Association Brev’ArtVideo:
https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1007233787341624The information contained in the article comes from the following sources:
www.quelmastermarketing.fr/2021/10/11/la-course-camarguaise/#:~:text=La%20course%20camarguaise%20(ou%20course,compte%20plus%20de%203500%20licenciés.Source of photos used in this article and gallery:
Guillaume Lanouhe, Association Brev’Art - Gallery:
- Documents: