Archive events

The future of traditional games and sports: investing in education

The future of traditional games and sports: investing in education


Svetvincenat, 9th to 10th September 2022 The future of traditional games and sports: investing in education

The transfer of knowledge and skills related to traditional games and sports is crucial for their safeguarding. Without players, this cultural heritage has no future. In addition to the natural transfer of skills, which takes place in the family or in the community, formal and non-formal education is one of the key safeguarding measures.
This year's professional gathering, which is being held for the fourth time as an integral part of the Pljočke Festival in Svetvincenat, is dedicated to education and traditional games and sports. What kind of relations they had, what is their status today and what are the potentials of this intersectoral cooperation, are the questions we ask the bearers of this skill, scientists, cultural figures, teachers ...
Presentation proposals of 3 thematic units are accepted:

  1. Traditional games and sports in education: - historical sources - examples of good practice - application of new theories in the development of future curricula / intersectoral collaborations; - manuals
  2. Education as a measure of safeguarding of traditional games and sports: - integration of TSG in teaching with the aim of safeguarding; examples of good practice - formal education challenges in the context of preservation of the TSG; - manuals
  3. Traditional games and sports as a medium of knowledge transfer / as a pedagogical method: - TSG and strengthening competencies in children and young people - TSG and intercultural dialogue among children and young people - TSG and other elements of intangible cultural heritage in teaching

INSTRUCTIONS TO BE SPEAKER: The abstract in Croatian or English must contain the name, surname and contact of the speaker. The abstract should not be longer than 150 words. Abstracts should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The deadline for submitting the abstracts is July 31, 2022. IMPORTANT !!! Lectures are limited to 15 minutes. Speakers are asked to respect the time limit. Papers will be published in the COLLECTION OF PAPERS no. 4.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Tamara Nikolic Djeric, Dr. Pere Lavega Burgués, Dr. Kazimierz Waluch
ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE: Milivoj Pacenti; Tamara Perković, prof; Igor Jovanović, prof




