South America

Huka huka (Brazil)

Huka huka (Brazil)

  • Name of sport (game): Huka huka
  • Name in native language: Huka huka
  • Place of practice (continent, state, nation):

    Huka-huka is a Brazilian folk wrestling style of the Bakairi indigenous people and Xingu peoples, located in the State of Mato Grosso.

  • History:

    Eventhough much of the Xingu tribes’ traditions seem to have remained largely unchanged for many century, there isn’t a lot of documented evidence which suggests that huka huka wrestling has been around for just as long. Even more so, many suggest that this peaceful ceremony has been introduced post-Colombus and replaced intertribal warfare in the 17th century. It is likely that the trade between different tribal groups was introduced after the Christianization of Brasil as Jesuit missionaries travelled between different indigenous groups in the Amazone, introducing a preference for peaceful co-existence over violence. However, little is known about the migration of the indigenous people of Brasil, but it remains highly unique how 4 very different ethnic groups have established such a cooperative way of living with very similar traditions within the Xingu habitat. From the book of Brazilian social scientist Aparecida Vilaca “Native Christians: Modes and Effects of Christianity Among Indigenous Peoples of the Americas”.

  • Description:

    As a ritual fight, huka-huka is practiced during Quarup (a ritual in honor of the illustrious dead) and has a competitive symbolism, where the strength and virility of young people is tested. The martial art is inserted in a broad context of competitions held due to Quarup.
    At dawn on the day after the Quarup, the moment of symbolic resurrection ends and the weeping and singing cease. The visitors announce their arrival with shouts and huka-huka competitions begin between the champions of each tribe, followed by group wrestling for the young men.
    Each village has its best fighters, who are chosen by the community as the main fighters. In the ritual, a male leader, who is considered the owner of the fight, goes to the central part of an arena and chooses the opponents by calling them by name. Huka-Huka is a fight similar to wrestling: without traumatic blows, based on falls, immobilizations and locks.
    The fight begins with the athletes on their knees, where the fighters face each other, kneel down and turn in a clockwise circle. They face each other and begin the fight. The goal is to lift the opponent and then take him to the ground.
    To win a fight, they must lift theirs opponent and throw him to the ground, and there is no judge. This differs from Judo, for example, because it does not simply involve knocking down or immobilizing your opponent while he is still on the ground. It is also different from other martial arts, such as karate, because it is not enough to simply strike your opponent. You must defeat him in a direct grappling match and then show that you are capable of knocking him down. This is a fight that is divided into two important phases.

  • Current status:

    As a ritual fight, huka-huka is practiced during Quarup (a ritual in honor of the illustrious dead) and has a competitive symbolism, where the strength and virility of the young people are tested. The martial art is inserted in a broad context of competitions held due to Quarup.

  • Importance (for practitioners, communities etc.):

    The very important part of the Quarup ceremony is huka-huka wrestling.
    Opponents from different tribes represent the jaguar from the creator-story and face each other in a wrestling match that usually doesn’t last more than a few seconds. The victory is decided as soon as one of the contestants is thrown to the ground or brought to the knees. To an outsider, it might seem as though not much is to be gained from a victory, but the competition isn’t so much about a winner or looser. Huka-huka, in addition to being a sport, also has a ritualistic and disciplinary nature, and is a way for the natives to promote their culture and participate in the life of the tribe. This fight is present in many of the local rituals and signifies status for the winner. They gain the respect of the village and other villages, happiness for the family and great pride for the community to which they belong. Huka-huka is practiced since childhood to become a great fighter.
    Huka huka is about testing strength, reaffirming ties between different Xingu tribes and, most importantly, it is about arousing the desire between both genders to create life after death. Both men and women participate in huka huka, but when men are wrestling, the women sing songs about male sexuality. After the matches, girls who were formerly in puberty isolation gift pequi seeds to the chief of their village in a symbolic gesture of signaling their fertility.

  • Sources of information :

    Francisco Luís Auricélio Valente, Estudo sobre Huka-huka: uma luta de matriz indígena brasileira, (2022): Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte,




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