
Kozana (Serbia)

Kozana (Serbia)

  • Name of sport (game): Kozana
  • Name in native language: Koze, kozličenje
  • Place of practice (continent, state, nation):


    This game is played also in Slavonija region, east Croatia, with similar name.

  • Description:

    Number of players: 3-6 (individually group (teams): minimum 2 teams
    Props: wooden tripod and stick (rod)
    Rules and way of playing: The wooden tripod (kozana) is placed at 10 m distance of players. Before the start of throving, all competitors, throw their rod into distance with their toes. Whose stick (rod) falls the clossest, that one trow first. Players throw the stick (rod) 5 times, and ich knocking down of the wooden tripod (kozana) is worth one point. Points are finally added up for each player. The winner is player who collect the most points.
    Team variant: Players are divided into teams, with 3 players each. Each player in the team, throws once, and the team that collects the most points is the winner.

  • Sources of information :

    The information contained in the article comes from the following sources:
    Information provided by Dr. Željko Bjeljac

    Source of photos used in this article and gallery:
    Photo provided by Dr. Željko Bjeljac



