Banatske šore (Serbia)
- Name of sport (game): Banat šore
- Name in native language: Banatske Šore (former Velike Cure)
- Place of practice (continent, state, nation):
Europe, Serbia and Romania (geographical region Banat)
- History:
An old sheperd game, which, according to oral tradition is over 200 years. However,some research indicates that this game is originated from the sheperd game ’’Velike cure’’ . Smaller children played ‘’Male cure’’game . During nbreaks in summer work, bozs and older mens gathered in the fields near the setlement and played the ‘’Velike cure game. During the time, game change name in Banatske Šore . Šore got its name from the Banat, local sleng for hitting the ball (kick the ball with foot or a stick)-‘’šoranje’’ .
- Description:
Two teams of 10 players each play. The field is 44 m wide, with a marked first base 1, and second base 2. (35-40 maway from base 1). Props area a hand mmade bat (more recently a baseball bat is used). Maximum lengthof bat up to 104 cm, with diameter of 7 cm. The runing zone (which is an integral part of the field) is 5 m wide. The ball was handmade, 8 cm, colored (red), weight about 200 g (today is baseball ball used). Rules: The match is plaing 60 mminutes. If the score is tied , 15 minutes of over tide is playing. The game is played in such a way that 9 players of one team, catch the ball, which the players of the other team, take turns hitting (shooting ball with bat). The 10 player of the first team, passes the ball to the second team. Each player is entitled to 3 shots. The pitcher and catcher of ball , standing facing each other, paralel to first base. The place where the batsman stands is a circle with a diameter of 3 m, the center of which is located in base 1, on 5 m from the place where base 1 and the boundary line of the running zone is intersed. A points are scored by having each player . Points: Each player which team hitting the ball, after minimumone of thre attempted of hittings, runs fom ditance base 1 to base 2 and back. One player-one point. The defending team tried to hit a running player with a ball. If they hit it, the teams change places. The game is played until all players have changed both as pither and catcher.
- Current status:
From 200 to 2020 was organized World championship in Banatske šore (final ournament in Tomaševac), leage system with 14 team from Serbia (Vojvodina: Kikinda, Sakule, Žabalj, Tomaševac,Zrenjanin, Orlovat, Novi Sad, Mokrin, Pančevo, Bela Crkva, Samoš, Plandište ) and Romanian part of Banat (Oina federation ) (Timisoara, Radomna)
- Importance (for practitioners, communities etc.):
national/international< This game is simlilar to games: Oina (Romania), Lapta (Russia); Brennball (Germany), Brännboll ( Scandinavian countries)
- Contacts:
Banatske šore
Maršala Tita 1
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: https://banatskesore.com/
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057215239817
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi8nJ_szP8mlssQhIgMg0PQ - Sources of information :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8TfkyXdpFoThe information contained in the article comes from the following sources:
dr Željko Bjeljac , principal research fellow, Geographical institute’’Jovan Cvijić’’, SASA, Belgrade
Bjeljac Ž, Brankov J (2024) Stari narodni sportovi, igre i nadmetanja, Posebna izdanja Geografskog instituta ‘’Jovan Cvijić’’’ SANU, no 99
Marjanović V (2005), Tradicionalne dečije igre u Vojvodini, Matica Srpska , Novi Sad; Stefanović A (1974-1978) Dečije igre u Severnom Banatu, Rad Vojvođanskih muzeja , no 23/24 , pg. 77-109;Source of photos used in this article and gallery:
https://codanec.eu/cultural_treasure/shore-as-traditional-pastoral-game/ - Gallery: