
XII. International Traditional Sports and Games Symposium

XII. International Traditional Sports and Games Symposium

XII. International Traditional Sports and Games Symposium

Dear Scholars in the Traditional Sports and Games community,

On behalf of the symposium organizing committee, we would like to once again invite you to attend our annual international symposium "XII. International Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) Symposium on Nov 23-24 2024, Kahramanmaras, Turkiye". We proudly partnered with many international universities and organizations in the last several years for this symposium. The symposium is organized by a joint effort by Bowie State University in the USA, Giresun University, and Kahramamnaras Sutcu Imam University in Turkiye. It will be hosted by Kahramanaras Metropol Municipality in Turkiye.

The symposium aims to conduct scientific examinations, discuss the issues related to traditional sports and games comprehensively, and develop sustainable applications for the survival of their existence in line with the conditions of our times. The symposium will be a means of gathering researchers on the subject, producing knowledge, and evaluating existing information with new perspectives, and the presented papers will be printed to contribute to the benefit of the scientific world.

You can submit your abstract or full paper by clicking here

• The historical formation, transformation, and transfer of the traditional sports games of the Eurasian nomadic peoples to other cultures;
• The military structure of nomadic peoples in the world and the emergence of sports games;
• Implementation of traditional sports and games in school settings and physical education
• The role of ethno-pedagogy in the development of ethnic sports of nomadic people in the world;
• The role of folk medicine and traditional nutrition in the development of sports games of nomadic peoples in the World;
• Reflection of traditional sports games on the art of cultures in the World;
• Reflection of traditional sports games in written sources, folklore, and literature of cultures in the World;
• The rebirth of ethnic sports games in Turkish peoples and their relatives in Central Asia, the Balkans, and the Caucasus;
• The scope of the etymology- terminology, rituals, evolution/transformation, national characteristics, meaninglessness, cultural aspects, and functions of traditional games and sports in the world.

Participation Requirement
The symposium is open to any scholars and professionals who have an interest in traditional sports and games research field. It is free to attend. (Participants can attend the symposium in person or virtually)

Symposium Language: Turkish, Russian, and English.

Important Dates

Application Open: Sep 27th, 2024
Announcement of Accepted Papers: Nov 3rd, 2024
Program Announcement: November 21st, 2024
Symposium Date: November 23-24th, 2024

Author Guideline for Writing
Papers should be written in Turkish, English, and Russian
• At the head of the full text, there should be an abstract in English or Russian which should consist of at least 150 words (Title, author name and surname, abstract and keywords respectively)
• In the manuscript, the title in bold, under the title is the author name, at the bottom of the first page is the author's name(s) in order.
• The manuscript must be a minimum of 4 and max 15 pages.
• Writing style must be Cambria, 11 font, 1,8 cm space on the right-left and the top-bottom of the paper in a Word document, and 0,75 cm paragraph and double space.
• Reference must be given in the text (etc, Turkmen, 2019: 24)
• References must be given at the end in alphabetical order (if it is a book, author SURNAME, name, book title; if it is a journal, journal name in quotes, location and date)
• Tables and graphics must be numbered and written in 10 font with detail and/or references.
• The maximum time for presentation: 10 min (in person or virtual)



